I was recently contacted, and asked if I want to take part in Holland and Barrett's latest campaign: #HollandandBarrettBuddies. Essentially, ten fitness bloggers have been paired up and been given the opportunity to gift each other £100 worth of products. I was paired up with the lovely Gemma of Lipstick, Lettuce & Lycra as we - luckily - have quite similar, fitness, related aims.
Gemma's always on the go, either travelling or playing Roller Derby, so picking some delicious but nutritional snacks, felt only natural. I've heard quite a lot about the Bounce Balls, and thought they'd be really handy to eat on the go. I picked the Pulsin bars for a similar reason, plus the maple and peanut flavour looks yummy!
Vita Coco Water - it's everywhere at the moment, plus these cartoons will be really handy for on the go! I've personally never heard of Baobab powder - but I'm sure Gemma will enjoy giving it a go, it looks like the perfect addition for a smoothie.
Coconut Oil is rather popular at the moment - both health and beauty wise, I can't wait to hear what Gemma thinks! The last couple of items I chose were Peanut Butter and a Beet It Beetroot Shot.
As you can probably tell, I'm a complete health food newbie, so feel free to educate me in the ways of 'superfoods' in the comments...
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